West Columbia, SC 29170 (803) 463-1509

Stucco Painting in West Columbia, SC

3 Advantages of Investing in Stucco Painting in West Columbia, SC

Your bathroom is an essential part of the house. Not only is it a room you use daily, but bathrooms, along with kitchens, are among the most important rooms buyers look at if you’re selling the property. There are countless reasons for doing bathroom remodeling and stucco painting project and you might have certain motivations. Below are the three most common reasons to remodel your bathroom.

Stucco Painting in West Columbia, SC

Stucco Painting

Need more storage spaces

The longer you stay in your house, the smaller it becomes. This is because the number of items keeps on increasing. The number of people may also increase. You might have moved into the house alone and after some time you got married, your partner moves in and you have children. All of them have their items in addition to yours. Your lifestyle might have changed and that comes with more beauty and hygiene products. With all that, your bathroom becomes smaller and can’t accommodate your needs. Even moving around becomes a problem. these are indicators that you need a new bathroom. With bathroom remodeling, you have the chance to reorganize your room to fit your needs.

For the sake of your family

As the family grows, you must add new bathroom features to suit your needs. Especially if you have kids in the house, you’ll have to redesign the room to cater to their needs, like adding a smaller tub. In addition to children, you might have elderly family members or a physically disabled person who uses a wheelchair. These family members can’t use the bathroom as the average person does. Hence, you’ll have to remodel the bathroom to cater to their needs. Work with an established stucco resurfacing company.

Add a new coat of protection

Due to hot water, your bathroom experiences high amounts of humidity and heat. More often than not, the steam produced creates moisture, which leads to bacteria build up in the bathroom. Mold issues will also emerge. Moist and steam will get into the walls, making them weak. With stucco molding, there’s an addition of a protective layer.

If you need John Marshall Sturgess Builder and our assistance for your stucco painting project in West Columbia, SC, you can call us at (803) 463-1509 for more information on our products and services.